Garages. Basements. Attics. Spare rooms. We've seen customers fit a golf simulator pretty much everywhere.
But, how do you measure for a golf simulator? It's a question we get asked a lot. Here are some tips on how to measure your space for an indoor golf simulator, from your friends at Carl’s Place.
Can My Space Fit a Golf Simulator?
Know the room size you need for a golf simulator. Golf simulator space requirements vary by both the golfer and the equipment. In general, though, indoor golfers are most comfortable in a room 14' wide, 18' deep, with 10' ceilings. But we can help you make accommodations for smaller spaces. We do it all the time.
Test out your golf swing in the space. You are the one who needs to swing your clubs without knocking over lamps and hitting ceiling fans. Get out your clubs and test your space.
Understand the space requirements for your equipment. Each launch monitor and projector has different space requirements which we'll help you with.
Sizing your golf simulator room doesn't sound all that hard, right? You have to have enough room to comfortably swing your golf club. And then, any requirements for your launch monitor and projector. Easy. Let's dig in.
Indoor Golf Simulator Room Dimensions
1. Ceiling Height for Golf Simulator
How tall do ceilings need to be for a golf simulator?
The average golfer needs a 9-10’ ceiling to golf indoors. Otherwise, you and your club will suffer. Depending on your height, arm length, club length and swing plane, you might be comfortable in less. Carl's Place's shortest enclosure fits low ceilings, but you'll be sacrificing swing space and which clubs you can use.
With a shorter ceiling, you won't be able to swing a driver. But, practicing with your shorter irons is better than nothing!
Take your longest golf club (likely driver) to the space you want to use for your golf simulator. Take a few practice swings. You’ll quickly be able to tell whether the height available is going to work for you. If you can swing easily, without modifying how you swing, the space should work.
2. Width
The swing area to the left and right of the tee is also important. If you want your tee in the center of the simulator, or have both right- and left-handed friends, you'll need a wider golf simulator room. If you don't have a lot of width in your golf room, you can offset your tee, and get away with a smaller space
How wide should my golf simulator be?
To golf indoors, you need a room at least 9'-10’ wide. But, if you want your tee centered in the golf simulator (to accommodate both right- and left-handed golfers) you'll need a space at least 14' wide. Ultimately, make sure you have enough room to swing without hitting a wall.
3. Depth
Easily one of the most debated topics for golf simulators is how much depth you need. Often times the launch monitor you use in your golf simulator room will dictate the dimensions you need. Or vice versa, you'll need to choose a launch monitor, based on the golf simulator room dimensions you have available.
Regardless, the ideal depth for a golf simulator room includes:
Space from the tee to the impact screen
Buffer space behind the screen
Room to safely swing
How deep should my golf simulator be?
18' is the ideal depth for a golf simulator room. Here's how we get that. Your impact screen should be 12"-16” away from the wall behind it. Then, it's a best practice to place your tee 10'-12' away from the impact screen. Lastly, give yourself 7' behind the tee to swing easily.
In total, 18' deep is ideal for a golf simulator room. That being said, we often see golfers set up simulators in spaces that are 15' deep or shallower. Don't get too shallow though - you'll find yourself compromising on buffer space, swing space, or the space between tee and screen. That's when you need to be careful and make sure your setup is safe. We really don't want you to have golf balls ricocheting directly back at your head.
If you do have a small simulator space, let us know! We'll see what we can do to help get you your perfect setup.
Another thing most golfers set up in their simulator is a projector. Choosing a projector for a golf simulator can be a challenge. There are specifications for the distance a projector can project an image, so make sure you're reviewing the specs on your projector as well.
Now, you can DIY a golf simulator with dimensions that fit all of these requirements.
You can install a wall-to-wall screen and add padded panels to your walls and ceiling using our Built-In Golf Room Kit.
Or, you can use an enclosure kit. Carl's Place sells 4main types: our DIY Golf Simulator Enclosure Kit for home golf simulators; our Pro or Curved Simulator Enclosure Kits for high-end home or commercial setups; and our Built-In Golf Room kit that changes an entire room into a golf simulator.
It's all about your swing. Many golfers feel good golfing in a 10'H x 14'W x 18'D golf simulator. Some fit golf simulators into a more compact space, but most indoor golfers go as large as they can with the space they have.
Also, before you buy, read the directions on your launch monitor. Yep, we said it - Read. The. Directions.
The launch monitor is what reads your swing and/or your ball to give you an idea of how you did. Each launch monitor has certain space requirements in order to do that.
Get to the launch monitor page. Open that user manual. Check the setup and space needs. You'll thank us later.
Fitting a Golf Simulator Into a Small Space
Don't let a smaller space hold you back from enjoying the thrills of an indoor golf simulator. In fact, many enthusiasts have had to get creative with their layouts.
Before investing in a simulator, it's important to test out your space by taking a few swings with different clubs to ensure you have enough room to swing comfortably. While some golfers can get by with 8-foot ceilings, taller players or those with a more upright swing may require a minimum of 10 feet or more.
Additionally, make sure to leave at least a foot of space behind the impact screen and three inches on each side of the enclosure for buffer space. We recommend a minimum of 10 feet from the screen to the ball, with an additional 7 feet behind the ball for optimal swing space.
If space is limited, you may be able to get away with a minimum width of 10 feet, but be prepared to offset your hitting area from the center of the room as this will allow for a comfortable backswing and follow through. A launch monitor with offset hitting settings can be helpful, but remember to test out your space before making any purchases.
Planning Your Space for a Commercial Golf Simulator
When designing a commercial space for golfers, it's crucial to plan out each hitting station to determine how many enclosures can fit comfortably.
Aim for a minimum height of 10 feet to accommodate all swings, and consider the number of bays required for your needs. If you plan to cater to both lefties and righties in the same bay, allow for a wider space of at least 14 feet for comfortable swings.
However, if only one side (right handed or left handed) will be used, you can create a smaller bay with a minimum of 7 feet of space behind the golfer. Keep in mind that deeper bays can offer more safety, and that enclosure wall wear can be an issue if one side is used more often.
All these factors must be considered when deciding on the number of bays and their positioning.
The QED is an overhead golf launch monitor that you can mount to a Carl’s Place Pro Enclosure, or your ceiling. Ceiling-mounted launch monitors typically let golfers feel more comfortable swinging in the golf simulator hitting area.
Space Required for QED Launch Monitor
QED Sensor must be mounted 9-10.5 ft from the ground
QED must be mounted 3.5' behind the tee
QED must have 12' from tee to screen, according to Uneekor, though we have seen golfers use the QED with less room in front of them
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
The hitting mat and launch monitor can be offset from the center to allow for more room while swinging.
Uneekor EYE XO and EYE XO Launch Monitors are also ceiling-mounted, but compared to the Uneekor QED, they are higher resolution launch monitors with better video graphics and additional ball data metrics. The new EYE XO2 features a third infrared camera which gives indoor golfers a wider hitting area.
Swing area: 13 Ft diameter with player in the center (Recommended)
Ceiling height: 9-10.5 Ft (Required)
Player’s distance from hitting screen: 12 Ft or more (Recommended)
Space Required for EYE XO and EYE XO2 Launch Monitors
Sensor must be mounted 9-10 ft from the ground
Must be mounted 3.5' in front of the tee
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
The EYE MINI does not have specific space requirements. You just need to follow the general space requirements of a comfortable golf simulator. The EYE MINI sits towards the front of the golf hitting mat, across from the golfer.
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
The Mevo+ golf simulator sits 8 feet behind the golfer, keeping it out of the way of swinging clubs and errant shots. And there's no need to move the Mevo+ if alternating between right- and left-handed golfers.
Space Required for Mevo+ Launch Monitor
Mevo+ must be placed 8' behind the tee
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
Unlike other launch monitors, SkyTrak does not have specific space requirements. You just need to follow the general space requirements of a comfortable golf simulator.
Takeaway: SkyTrak is a great launch monitor for basement golf simulators. Or any small spaces and low ceilings.
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
The Garmin R10 Launch Monitor sits on the floor behind the tee keeping it out of the way of swinging clubs. It's compact and portable, making it great for indoor and outdoor practice.
Space Required for Garmin R10 Launch Monitor
Garmin R10 must be placed 6'-8' behind the tee
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
Player’s distance from hitting screen: 10'-12'
Ceiling Height: 9'-10'
Full Swing KIT Space Requirements
You'll need 10' of space behind the tee to accommodate the Full Swing KIT Launch Monitor. And even then, since KIT is a radar-based launch monitor, the more space the better. It will use that extra ball travel to measure more data. This Tiger Wood's favorite is sleek and compact, but it does need a fair bit of room in order to get solid data indoors.
Space Required for Full Swing KIT Launch Monitor
Full Swing KIT must be placed 10' behind the tee
Space Recommended for Swing
Swing Area: 7' around the golfer in every direction
If you skimmed this article, (no offense taken) here's the takeaway. If you want a golf simulator to fit your space right, you've got to measure right.
Follow our advice for height, width, and depth of the ideal golf simulator dimensions. And don't forget to check the specs of the launch monitor you choose.
Questions about your room dimensions? Advice at Carl's Place is always free. Go ahead and ask about measuring for your golf simulator in the comments below.